Recent Books

Henry Kisor,”Hang Fire;” Jim Bowman, “Company Man: My Jesuit Life, 1950-1968;” Dennis Byrne, “Madness: The War of 1812;” Allen Rafalson, “The Santa Claus Trial;”: Valarie Lauder, :The Back Page;” Michael Haney, “After Visiting Friends;” Lisa Barr, “Fugitive Colors, “and Sherwood Ross, “Kremlin Wife.” Peter Carlson, “Junius and Albert’s Adventures in the Confederacy,” a non-fiction tale of two reporters for the New York Herald Tribune who were captured by the South in the American Civil War.

Al-Jazeera, a Quatar based news organization, has gone on the air headed as president by Kate O’Brien, a former ABC news executive. A news bureau will be established in Chicago, according to news reports. The network plans on more coverage on science and technology reporting. Among the contributing journalists is Soledad O’Brien who said in a Tribune story, ”The main thing for me is journalistic integrity…what is the directive in the newsroom for the work that we’re doing.”

Sun-Times columnist, Richard Roeper replaces the late Roger Ebert as its movie critic. The two of them for eight years hosted a program on television.

John Slania, continues to have his name everywhere as a free-lance writer, often writing about business and finance.

Chuck Haleri, a retired journalist, public relations official and a Cook County public administrator, is back in the job market. Help him. His phone is 847/673-8686.